Top 10 Tips For Building Safer Accommodation Programmes
We understand that building accommodation programmes is tough; there is so much to consider and the need to integrate robust measures around safety and security are more prevalent than ever; as well as the challenges of managing and maintaining these measures across so many vendors, including hotels, serviced apartments and more.

“Traveler safety and well-being is the top priority for U.S. travel managers at small and midsized programs, while cost is their biggest pain point, according to a survey of 299 travel stakeholders at U.S. SMEs conducted by Corporate Traveler and the Global Business Travel Association.
The survey—conducted from June 17 through June 20 with participants from companies with between $200,000 and $10 million in annual travel spending—showed 40 percent named traveler safety as their No. 1 priority, and an additional 29 percent said it was their second- or third-highest priority.
It ranked it as a higher priority than cost savings, which was named a top three priority by 57 percent of respondents, split about evenly in ranking it first, second or third, according to the survey. Companies with less than $1 million in annual spending were more likely to rank cost savings as their top priority.”
Michael B Baker – BTN
With the RFP season upon many organisations, the TRA has got together with our friends at mysa to put together our top 10 considerations when planning your next accommodation RFP.
The Travel Risk Academy launched the Accommodation Conformity Focus Group in April 2024 to determine what would constitute ‘best practice’ amongst programme managers, risk experts and accommodation providers the world over. Following a number of workshops, we are delighted to advise that the prototype, developed by mysa, is now ready to release to industry experts. If you are a programme manager across travel, mobility, security, or HR and would like to get involved please contact us below.
Build by mysa empowers programme managers to take control of their accommodation programmes by combining direct procurement with evidence-based property safety and security intelligence to create a tailor-made programme. For serviced accommodation, it also provides 100% online booking.