Our Community
You can join any of our community groups as part of your TRA membership.
Our Community
The TRA is not just about collaboration; it’s about managing output, invoking change and taking action. Led by our members, we have several communities within the TRA that our members can join, by invitation. Run by our TRA Ambassadors and Mentors, these groups set annual objectives, and work on projects for the wider good of the travel risk management industry. Collaboration and communication is key, and the work that starts in our community groups goes on to inform policies and processes for organisations worldwide.

Accommodation Conformity Community
Gary Hurst & Carol Fergus
Run by TRA Mentor Gary Hurst and TRA Ambassador Carol Fergus. With industry experts made up of Programme Managers, Security, QHSE, ESG, Data Security, and Fire Safety, this group is tasked with creating a minimum level of acceptance criteria for organisations to adopt to ensure security and safety is at the heart of their accommodation programmes. To join this group complete our contact form.

DEI Community
Lisa Sumner & Carolyn Pearson
Led by two of our TRA Mentors, Lisa Sumner and Carolyn Pearson, our DEI community meet regularly to consider the various risks that affect people when they travel. We work together and as a collective to champion the travel industry to make positive change, creating inclusivity for all. We consider people's physical and mental health, travelling with a condition and personal life choices, all with the aim of making travel meaningfully accessible and safer for ALL. To join this group complete our contact form.

TRM Technology Community
Alex Craxton & David Chappell
Led by our TRA Mentors Alex Craxton and David Chappell, this community is all about using Technology as an enabler for TRM and recognising the power of data and optimising technology for the greater good. How much more efficient can we be collectively, if we focus on security and safety and put commercials and client ownership to one side?